About Autism

Autism is a developmental disorder that usually begins at the first age of 3 and continues throughout life, which we can express in the form of a person’s inability to establish a proper relationship with their environment in a verbal and nonverbal way. Currently, it can be diagnosed early with simple tests. Early diagnosis and appropriate rehabilitation program play a major role in bringing these cases to life.
The cause of autism is not exactly known. It is thought to be genetic. It is more common in boys than in girls. 70% of people with autism have mental retardation. In 10%, superior intelligence can be seen. Along with autism, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, mood disorders, and epilepsy can be observed.

Autism My Links:

Blog : Autism https://dilarom.com/autism/ ,

Speech Therapy https://dilarom.com/speech-therapy/

My Videos : https://youtu.be/9mAbeahs74s

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“Autism is not a disease, it’s awareness.”

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