Assessment and Diagnosis in Clinical Psychology

Assessment and Diagnosis in Clinical Psychology

Abstract: Assessment and diagnosis form the backbone of clinical psychology, enabling practitioners to understand, classify, and treat mental health disorders. This article provides an in-depth review of key assessment methods, diagnostic processes, and the role of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Emphasis is placed on the reliability, validity, and ethical considerations…

Methods and techniques for correcting disorders in the development of self-image at an early age.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dilarom Demiralay Disturbances in the development of self-image in early childhood can have various causes. First, these are violations of the interaction and communication of the child with a close adult. If the baby lacks an interested adult attitude addressed to him as a person, it will be necessary to organize special…

Autistic Thought

Autistic thinking (from the ancient Greek cars – self) – a closed-deep personality type or cultural phenomenon; The term “schizoid” is also used in relation to personality. Not to be confused with the term “schizophrenic”. A schizoid is a personality type that can have schizophrenic genes in the blood of relatives, but does not itself…

Factors in the formation of human health and their significance

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dilarom Demiralay Individual human health is usually defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease or infirmity (“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” ). It was this definition…

The essence of the holotropic approach

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dilarom Demiralay In the mid-70s, Stanislav Grof, a well-known specialist in transpersonal psychology, and his wife Kristina developed a method of deep empirical self-exploration and therapy, which was called holotropic breathing. This method, combining such simple elements as accelerated breathing, ethnic, ritual and trance music, as well as certain forms of body…

Psychological resistances and defenses

What is psychological resistance? These are all the forces in the psyche of a person (client) that counteract an unpleasant situation or psychological help, because it is associated with the inevitability of painful sensations (psychological pain). Why do we need psychological protection? We have already mentioned above that protection, including psychological, protects any person from…

Techniques for the study of aggressiveness

I. Test “Hand” – was used to diagnose aggressive behavior. This is an adaptation of the projective methodology of E. Wagner, Z. Riotrovsky, B. Bricklin. It allows you to assess the likelihood of aggressive tendencies in behavior, as well as other personality traits. The stimulus material consists of 9 cards depicting a human hand in…

Adolescent Behavior (Internet)

Examination of the determinants of anonymous behavior of adolescents in the internet environment The modern child has indeed become “different” in many ways. According to the results of a study on motivation to use the Internet, according to users, the Internet now helps to meet most of their needs – in communication, entertainment, learning new…