Psychological resistances and defenses

What is psychological resistance? These are all the forces in the psyche of a person (client) that counteract an unpleasant situation or psychological help, because it is associated with the inevitability of painful sensations (psychological pain). Why do we need psychological protection? We have already mentioned above that protection, including psychological, protects any person from…

Techniques for the study of aggressiveness

I. Test “Hand” – was used to diagnose aggressive behavior. This is an adaptation of the projective methodology of E. Wagner, Z. Riotrovsky, B. Bricklin. It allows you to assess the likelihood of aggressive tendencies in behavior, as well as other personality traits. The stimulus material consists of 9 cards depicting a human hand in…

Adolescent Behavior (Internet)

Examination of the determinants of anonymous behavior of adolescents in the internet environment The modern child has indeed become “different” in many ways. According to the results of a study on motivation to use the Internet, according to users, the Internet now helps to meet most of their needs – in communication, entertainment, learning new…

Behavioral Psychology

Achievements, Criticisms, and Types of Behavioral Psychology

The crisis that arose in psychology at the beginning of the 20th century caused the long-term use of introspection as the main method of scientific research to become obsolete. It turns out that only with the help of internal self-observation it is impossible to explain a number of fundamental problems of psychology itself. A crisis…

seasonal affective disorder SAD

What to know about seasonal affective disorder ( SAD )

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is now more commonly known as seasonal major depressive disorder. This is a type of depression that affects people living in countries farther from the equator. It is most common during the winter months and tends to disappear in the spring. Other names for seasonal major depressive disorder include SAD, winter…



SUMMARY Currently, many researchers and specialists in various fields are focused on the earliest possible diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders. However, the diagnosis of a group of adults with autism remains no less urgent. The “gold standard” for this is the ADOS technique. The article discusses some of the features of Module 4, designed to…


What is NLP and what is it used for?

Neuro-linguistic programming is a way of changing someone’s thoughts and behaviors to help achieve desired outcomes for them. The popularity of neuro-linguistic programming or NLP has become widespread since it started in the 1970s. Its uses include treatment of phobias and anxiety disorders and improvement of workplace performance or personal happiness. This article will explore the theory…


What is autism? What are the symptoms of autism? Autism is a developmental disorder that usually begins at the first age of 3 and continues throughout life, which we can express in the form of a person’s inability to establish a proper relationship with their environment in a verbal and nonverbal way. Currently, it can…